JUULs are just one device in a large class of battery-operated e-cigarette devices that heat a pod of “e-liquid” into a vapor which is inhaled and then exhaled, i.e. “vaping”. The e-liquid contains numerous chemicals, different flavorings and nicotine. According to JUUL Labs, the maker of JUUL e-cigarettes, the mission of the company is to eliminate the use of traditional cigarettes and their use is intended for adult smokers who want to stop smoking. Unfortunately, while allegedly intended for adult use, e-cigarette use, and in particular “JUULing”, has become extremely popular with young people.
At 5% nicotine by volume, a JUUL cartridge, or pod, can have over twice as much nicotine as other competitors’ cartridges. The amount of nicotine in one JUUL cartridge is equivalent to a pack of cigarettes and with young people often using multiple cartridges in one sitting, the nicotine levels entering the body are extreme. Resembling a USB drive, a JUUL can be easily hidden by students from teachers and administrators. The odorless vapor can be inhaled and exhaled in a matter of seconds with no trace. “JUULing” has become extremely popular in schools across the country. While cigarette smoking in young people has been in steady decline, vaping and particularly JUUL usage is on the rise exposing young people to dangerous levels of nicotine.
We are currently accepting potential claims against the makers of JUUL e-Cigarettes by young users who have become addicted to JUUL e-cigarettes or who have suffered from seizures, stroke, lung problems (including Bronchiolitis obliterans) and/or cardiovascular problems after using JUUL vaping devices. If you or a loved one has been injured due to use of JUUL e-Cigarettes, we would like to speak with you. Please send us your contact information and we will respond promptly.