On July 15, 2021 the Diocese of Norwich filed for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Laws. That case has been pending for ~3 ½ years. Now, the Diocese of Norwich, the Abuse Claimants who filed Claims in Bankruptcy and the general creditors have reached a settlement that will be presented to the Bankruptcy Court for approval.
Published on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 by Staff
On February 3, 2025 the Maryland Supreme Court upheld the Maryland Child Victim’s Act of 2023 (CVA) in a landmark decision. The effect of this decision is that Maryland’s civil statute of limitations for child sexual abuse has been eliminated.
Published on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 by Staff
In 2023, AG Raoul issued the “Report on Catholic Clergy Child Sex Abuse in Illinois” which detailed the results of the AG’s investigation that began in 2018 and concluded in 2023 – spanning almost 5 years. The 2023 Report, almost 700 pages, sets forth the shocking prevalence of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy in Illinois.
Published on Monday, February 10, 2025 by Staff
A recent report entitled “Attorney General’s Report of Child Sex Abuse in the Archdiocese of Baltimore” identifies 156 clergy members that committed acts of sexual abuse against children.
Published on Thursday, April 6, 2023 by Staff
Maryland victims of childhood sexual abuse by Catholic clergy may soon have an opportunity to file claims under the Hidden Predators Act once it is passed.
Published on Thursday, January 12, 2023 by Staff
The FBI has reportedly launched an investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Published on Thursday, June 30, 2022 by Staff
On July 15, 2021 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich Connecticut filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. In announcing the filing, the Diocesan Bishop, Michael R. Cote asserted that the bankruptcy filing is the most equitable way to resolve liabilities stemming from allegations of child sexual abuse as well as liabilities asserted by other creditors.
Published on Monday, July 19, 2021 by Staff
On January 7, 2021 the Falls River Diocese released three lists of priests who the diocese has determined were either credibly accused, publicly accused or have pending cases of sexual abuse against minors.
Published on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 by Staff
On October 1, 2020 the New York Diocese of Rockville Centre filed a Chapter 11 Petition with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. According to the Diocese, the filing was the only way it could continue its operations and insure that all survivors of child abuse perpetrated by Diocesan priests would be treated fairly.
Published on Thursday, October 1, 2020 by Staff
On September 12, 2019, the Diocese of Rochester New York filed a petition with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court seeking protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. On January 17, 2020, the Diocese filed a Motion with the Bankruptcy Court seeking approval of the administrative process of determining the claims of the Diocese's creditors - including those individuals who have Abuse Claims. If approved by the Bankruptcy Court, the proposed process could impact the ability of survivors of sexual abuse to bring claims against the Diocese.
Published on Monday, January 27, 2020 by Staff
The New Jersey Dioceses of Camden, Metuchen, Trenton and Paterson, and the Archdiocese of Newark, have extended the deadlines for the registering and filing of clergy childhood sexual abuse claims under their Independent Victim Compensation Program (IVCP).
Published on Friday, January 3, 2020 by Staff
According to an analysis conducted by the Associated Press, the victim compensation programs established by seven of the eight Catholic Dioceses in Pennsylvania have paid out a total of $84 million to 564 survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The seven programs were operated independently of each other and differed in their protocol and payouts.
Published on Friday, December 27, 2019 by Staff
During the latter part of November, Richard J. Malone, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, resigned his position. His resignation comes after Pope Francis appointed Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio to conduct an investigation of the Buffalo Diocese. The investigation was prompted by whistleblower reports of Bishop Malone's failure to disclose secret Diocesan files detailing reports of child sexual abuse by priests serving the Buffalo Diocese.
Published on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 by Staff
Montana revised its statutes of limitation applicable to childhood sexual abuse (as specifically defined in Montana law) on May 7, 2019. Those revisions also included a one-year (limited) revival window that, in certain circumstances as described below, victims of childhood sexual abuse, whose claims were otherwise time-barred, could bring claims for monetary damages against the perpetrator of the abuse and any responsible institution that had a duty of care to the victim.
Published on Saturday, November 30, 2019 by Staff
The North Carolina Diocese of Charlotte has begun a review of its personnel files — some 100,000 pages — in an effort to identify and adjudicate reports of childhood sexual abuse by Diocesan clergy. The Charlotte Diocese comprises 46 counties located in Western North Carolina.
Published on Monday, November 18, 2019 by Staff
On October 13,2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 218 revising California’s statute of limitations applicable to civil claims for damages based on acts of childhood sexual assault.
Published on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 by Staff
The Archdiocese of Denver and the Dioceses of Colorado Springs and Pueblo have established and now launched an “Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (IRRP)” to provide monetary compensation to survivors of childhood sexual abuse perpetrated by priests or bishops of those institutions.
Published on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 by Staff
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut has issued a report detailing child sexual abuse by priests serving the diocese since its formation in 1953. The report is based upon the existing files and records of the Diocese so there are likely to be many more incidents of abuse that occurred but went unreported.
Published on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 by Staff
The Associated Press has released the results of a comprehensive investigation it conducted to locate those defrocked priests who were credibly accused of child sexual abuse. AP’s investigators researched public databases and other publicly-available on-line resources to locate the almost 2,000 defrocked priests who are still alive.
Published on Sunday, October 6, 2019 by Staff
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Dioceses of Fresno, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino and San Diego have established and now launched an “Independent Compensation Program (ICP)” to provide monetary compensation to survivors of childhood sexual abuse perpetrated by priests of those institutions.
Published on Monday, September 16, 2019 by Staff
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Dioceses of Fresno, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, and San Diego announced the establishment of a joint Independent Compensation Program for "Victim-Survivors of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests." The Program is intended to operate separately from the Archdiocese and Dioceses. The Program is expected to begin later in 2019 — most likely in September.
Published on Thursday, August 22, 2019 by Staff
On August 14, 2019, New York's historic Child Victims Act (CVA) takes effect. The CVA was signed into law by New York Governor Cuomo on February 14, 2019. With Governor Cuomo's signature, the Childhood Victims Act is now the law in New York, taking effect on August 14, 2019.
Published on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 by Staff
During the last week of June, 2019, the Rhode Island legislature passed revisions to the State’s laws that expand the time within which victims of childhood sexual abuse can bring civil claims against their abusers and, in some cases, against non-perpetrator responsible institutions.
Published on Monday, July 1, 2019 by Staff
On July 1, 2019, the Diocese of Providence released the names of priests that the Diocese concludes have been credibly accused of child sexual abuse.
Published on Monday, July 1, 2019 by Staff
On May 27, 2019, Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey signed House Bill 2466 into law. The new law extends from two (2) to twelve (12) years the amount of time a survivor of childhood sexual abuse has to bring a claim against the abuser and any responsible institution.
Published on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 by Staff
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Dioceses of Fresno, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, and San Diego announced the establishment of a joint Independent Compensation Program for “Victim-Survivors of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests.” The Program is expected to begin later in 2019 – most likely in September.
Published on Saturday, May 25, 2019 by Staff
The New Jersey Assembly’s Judiciary Committee approved and reported out Assembly Bill No. 5392 which is designed to align standards for the civil liability of public entities (schools, government agencies, etc.) and public employees, with the standards in place for nonpublic entities and employees.
Published on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 by Staff
The Connecticut Senate voted out a Committee Version of SB 3, a bill that originally included provisions designed to provide older victims of childhood sexual abuse, whose claims are currently time-barred, a window of time to bring their claims against the abusers and responsible institutions.
Published on Monday, May 20, 2019 by Staff
On Monday, May 13, 2019, New Jersey Governor Murphy signed A-3648 into law. A-3648 makes significant changes to New Jersey's statutes of limitations including for older survivors of childhood sexual abuse whose claims are currently time-barred.
Published on Monday, May 13, 2019 by Staff
The Archdiocese of New York has released the names of 120 clergy members who have been credibly accused of child sex abuse. The list, released on April 26th, identifies 115 priests and 5 deacons.
Published on Saturday, April 27, 2019 by Staff
On Wednesday, April 10th, the North Carolina Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 199 (“The Sexual Assault Fast Reporting and Enforcement (Safe Child) Act of 2019”), known as the “SAFE Child Act.” In addition, after its October, 2018 defeat of a legislative effort to reform statutes of limitation governing child sex abuse crimes and civil actions for damages, the Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Senate will have another opportunity to consider such legislation.
Published on Friday, April 12, 2019 by Staff
On March 18, 2019, the Maryland House of Delegates voted 135 to 3 to approve House Bill 687 and advance it to the Maryland Senate for further legislative action. The Senate has scheduled a hearing on the measure for Thursday, March 28th. Some proponents of the legislation have expressed doubt as to whether the Maryland Senate will vote in favor of House Bill 687
Published on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 by Staff
During the evening of Monday, March 25, 2019, the New Jersey General Assembly, after almost 20 years of previous efforts to do so, approved A-3648, a bill that modifies the New Jersey statutes of limitations applicable to child sexual abuse.
Published on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 by Staff
On March 22, 2019, the Diocese of Bridgeport released the names of ten (10) additional priests who have been “credibly accused” of child sexual abuse. The 10 priests were identified in a letter issued by the Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, the Bishop of the Bridgeport Diocese.
Published on Saturday, March 23, 2019 by Staff
On Tuesday, March 19th, several Connecticut lawmakers introduced Committee Bill No. 3 at the General Assembly: “An Act Combatting Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment.” The bill proposes sweeping changes to Connecticut’s laws dealing with sexual assault and sexual harassment including changes to the State’s criminal laws.
Published on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 by Staff
The New Jersey Senate passed NJ S-477, a bill that would increase the period of time within which civil claims for damages can be brought for childhood sexual abuse. The bill would allow a survivor up until age 55 to file a lawsuit against the perpetrator and any responsible institution(s).
Published on Friday, March 15, 2019 by Staff
Within the next thirty (30) days, the Archdiocese of Newark along with the Diocese of Camden, Metuchen, Trenton and Paterson in New Jersey intend to launch an “Independent Victims Compensation Program” (the IVCP), to provide compensation to survivors of childhood sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy of one of these five New Jersey Dioceses. The IVCP will not consider other claims of childhood sexual abuse. The IVCP is expected to begin operating sometime in April, 2019.
Published on Monday, March 4, 2019 by Staff
The New Jersey Legislature is considering a bill that would extend New Jersey's statute of limitations for claims of childhood sexual abuse. A bill to extend the statute of limitations is currently being considered by the New Jersey Legislature. The bill would enable a victim of childhood sexual abuse to sue: (a) up until the victim attains the age of 55; or (b) within seven years from the date he/she discovered the abuse – whichever of these is later.
Published on Sunday, March 3, 2019 by Staff
On February 21, 2019, the Catholic Church’s Pope Francis convened a 4-day sex abuse prevention summit in Rome. Invited to the summit were almost 190 clergy and others from throughout the world. The main purpose of the summit is to provide training and guidance on how church leaders should address reports of childhood sexual abuse when they return to their dioceses, churches and other organizations.
Published on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 by Staff
On December 13, 2018, the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh announced the launch of its “Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program for Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors” (the “IRCP”). The IRCP is intended “to compensate victims of clergy sexual abuse of minors by clergy of the Diocese.”
Published on Monday, February 25, 2019 by Staff
On November 13, 2018, the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced the launch of its “Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program for Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors” (the “IRRP”). Designed as an additional compensation program to one the Archdiocese implemented in 2003, the IRRP is intended “to provide support and compensation for victims/survivors abused as minors by priests or deacons of the Archdiocese.”
Published on Sunday, February 24, 2019 by Staff
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