Published on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 by Staff
On February 3, 2025 the Maryland Supreme Court upheld the Maryland Child Victim’s Act of 2023 (CVA) in a landmark decision. The effect of this decision is that Maryland’s civil statute of limitations for child sexual abuse has been eliminated. Survivors are now free to pursue claims in Maryland state court against perpetrators and responsible third parties such as religious organizations and governmental entities regardless of when the abuse occurred.
In Maryland there are three Catholic Dioceses: Archdiocese of Baltimore, the Diocese of Washington and the Diocese of Wilmington. The Baltimore Archdiocese previously filed for bankruptcy protection and that date by which claims could have been brought in bankruptcy court has since passed. In addition to the Washington and Wilmington Dioceses, there are other Catholic religious entities that may be subject to claims brought under the Maryland CVA. There are also secular (nonreligious) private and governmental entities that may be subject to such claims for child sexual abuse perpetrated by their employees, agents and others subject to their supervision and control.
Perhaps as strong and enduring as any other effects on a survivor of abuse are the shame and guilt that can be overwhelming and debilitating, compounded by a resulting mistrust of others and avoidance of any acknowledgment or conversation concerning the abuse. We recognize how difficult and oftentimes frightening acknowledging the abuse and describing it can be. Be assured that any conversation about your situation with our firm is confidential. When we respond to an inquiry, we do so with the sensitivity, respect, and discretion necessary to provide meaningful feedback. If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email at
Cases may be filed anonymously to protect the victim's identity.
If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email.