Diocese of Peoria

The Peoria Diocese was established in 1875 and embraces 26 Illinois counties. It includes 156 parishes and serves over 132,000 Catholics. According to the 2023 Attorney General’s “Report on Catholic Clergy Child Sex Abuse in Illinois,” there were at least 51 abusive clerics and religious brothers serving in the Peoria Diocese during the period covered by the Report.

Survivors Come Forward: Reports of Clergy Child Sex Abuse

Though difficult and traumatic, aging survivors of clergy child sex abuse that occurred in the Diocese of Peoria continue to come forward. These courageous victims escape the shackles of shame and denigration cast upon them by their abusers/tormentors. These reports remain confidential and oftentimes result in some form of compensation provided to the survivor by the Diocese.

First and Foremost – Confidential Inquiry & Discussion

Perhaps as strong and enduring as any other effects on a survivor of abuse are the shame and guilt that can be overwhelming and debilitating, compounded by a resulting mistrust of others and avoidance of any acknowledgment or conversation concerning the abuse. We recognize how difficult and oftentimes frightening acknowledging the abuse and describing it can be. Be assured that any conversation about your situation with our firm is confidential. When we respond to an inquiry, we do so with the sensitivity, respect, and discretion necessary to provide meaningful feedback. If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email at confidentialinquiry@meneolawgroup.com.

Cases may be filed anonymously to protect the victim's identity.

Peoria Diocese’s Handling of Abuse

According to the 2023 Attorney General’s Report, “the diocese claims to have received first notification of possible abuse by only nine of them [priests] before Bishop John Meyers assumed leadership in 1990.”1 However, the AG’s investigation found that “…Bishop Joseph Schlarman was aware of abusive behavior by Father Bernard Tomaszewski in a February 1946 letter to the priest…”2

The Peoria Diocese’s handling of abuser/priests appears very similar to the models followed by the Archdiocese of Chicago. According to the 2023 Attorney General’s Report:

“As the allegations began to mount, Bishop Meyers removed some priests from ministry but attempted to address these cases quietly and without “scandal.” In other instances, he purportedly lacked knowledge of the abuse allegation. In other cases the Bishop downplayed the abuse. In yet others, he protected the accused, moving disgraced priests to new assignments or allowing them to retire after allegations surfaced.”3

Healing through Counseling and Therapy

Aging survivors of abuse that occurred in the Diocese of Peoria continue to come forward and disclose the sexual and spiritual abuse they suffered at the hands of predatory priest/abusers. If you (or a loved one) is a survivor of clergy child sexual abuse, we encourage you (or your loved one) to seek counseling and therapy.

First and Foremost – Confidential Inquiry & Discussion

Perhaps as strong and enduring as any other effects on a survivor of abuse are the shame and guilt that can be overwhelming and debilitating, compounded by a resulting mistrust of others and avoidance of any acknowledgment or conversation concerning the abuse. We recognize how difficult and oftentimes frightening acknowledging the abuse and describing it can be. Be assured that any conversation about your situation with our firm is confidential. When we respond to an inquiry, we do so with the sensitivity, respect, and discretion necessary to provide meaningful feedback. If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email at confidentialinquiry@meneolawgroup.com.

Cases may be filed anonymously to protect the victim's identity.


Please fill in the form to request a FREE case evaluation from one of our attorneys if you or a loved one suffered sexual abuse from a Priest or other Clergy member while involved with the Catholic church.

Have you or a loved one suffered sexual abuse from a Priest or other Clergy member while involved with the Catholic church? *
 All personal information will be kept private. Please read our disclaimer.

Confidential Inquiry

If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email.